Friday, May 21, 2004

Where are they now....

I was just in Alan's new game, Fed2 when who should show up but Occy (Jason). He's using the name Looney at the moment till he gets access to his name Occy sorted out. Same old, same old Occy tho.

Also got an email in tonight's mail from Wingdman (Greg H) - he's returning to Fed.

Naiad (Angela)is going back to working full time at the bank on June 1. She's currently working part-time. She'll be back in fed2 soon.

As some of you know, my old buddy from GEnie Fed (and also Hundred Years War) Krell passed away last summer. Krell (Karen Hillyer) was a long time online and real life friend and I miss her a lot. There are some memorial pages to her at: and

Paladin (Jon) is back in Fed2 and on my Tech Test Team. He's still in Chicago, still working as a chemist.

West (Ni in Fed) and Jim (The infamous Devon of the milk cartons) are married and still in Florida. I haven't dragged them into fed2 yet ;)

Steph (Reade) moved out to San Francisco several years.

Greg (Tantris, Icedrake) is still in Northern VA, still doing marvelous things like running marathons.

Toby's (Nightdroid and other unnamed personnas) still in Toronto, still a sys admin/programmer, still brilliant, still riding his bike, still one of the nicest people I know.

Nick (Cryptosporidium, Pegasus, etc) and Asti (Selena) are married and living in Switzerland .

Gordon (what the hell was his name in Fed?) is in Florida and working as a game programmer for EA.

Bo (Arrogant, Prospero) is still holed up in his stately home in the rural hills outside Bristol, England. He gave up Fed for Yahoo voice-chat rooms and WebCam chat.

Dana (Satinsheets, Blaze) married Nick Z (Bart) and they currently live in Colorado.

Oxcart - last time I talked to him was years ago and he was in Texas. I lost touch with him but about 2 years ago Starr told me she'd been with him in real life for a bit and he was now in residentail care. If you know anything new about him, please let me know.

Scott (Tellurian) is now married and still living in NYC.

Nancy (EvilExWife, Gerhilda)and her husband Tro are still in Northern VA, he still works for AOL and they have a gorgeous 3 year old little boy named Demetrius.

Neil (Gonzo) is still in MD, still with Simutronics.

Fletcher is still in Toronto and everything is still his fault!

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