Monday, November 13, 2006

I baked a huge and absolutely gorgeous Christmas cake yesterday. Yes, with booze. Cognac actually. And loads of pecans and cherries and pineapple and other good stuff. And then drizzled it with some more scotch whiskey. Yum, it smells wonderful!

In other news, I still feel totally beat up from my nightmare commute to work every day.

I'm off to bed at a bit past 9:30pm . Getting up at 5am is a real bitch.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Yay! The US election and Yay! the US voters! I'm proud of you but expected no less. And yes, I'm one of you because I absentee balloted.

So, still working, still making my insane 2+ hour commute each way, every day. I'm going to try a bus alternative to the trains tomorrow. I don't expect it will be that much quicker but it's worth a try to see if it is gentler on my body. I feel so beat up and bruised from the enormous amount of travel.

Yes, I still love my job. It's still interesting, exciting, and challenging.

I was able to buy some basic work clothes. That makes a HUGE difference. Oh my god, what a difference that makes. We're only talking about a few bits and a pair of shoes. I hadn't realised how worn out and awful my old clothes had become. I feel actually human once again.

Last night Alan and I went through our clothes and threw out all the old crappy stuff we would never wear again except in desperation. Threw out a full, large shopping bag. There was also actually stuff that didn't fit but was still in good shape, and that is folded neatly into a bag to go to the local church.

I'm off to the supermarket now. I'll be online later. Need some time to hang out online.

See you all soon!