Thursday, April 11, 2019

Diet update

So after almost 6 successful weeks on my diet, I fell off the rails today. But, it’s not all doom and gloom. I’ll be right back on it tomorrow, actually I’m back on it already. So not a disaster. And - I didn’t fall off by eating chocolate, or a rich heavy cream sauce, etc. It was like slicing a banana into my cereal and putting 3 weetabix in my bowl instead of 2. Then I was suddenly so hungry at lunch I had a huge kosher frank on a bagel. Real food, for the most part healthy food, and I was really really hungry.
Lesson learned.
Back on schedule
Oh yes, I’ve lost 14 kilos so far.

Sunday, April 07, 2019

Hospital, diet, hospital, hospital

On Feb 19 I was taken to Charing Cross Hospital A&E by ambulance. I was admitted and stayed there 10 days. I’m told I had a massive kidney infection and a interesting list of various other problems. In the 2 weeks prior I had 2 serious falls, one in the bathroom, the other in the living room. I don’t recall ever having a major fall before, certainly never one I couldn’t get up from.

In any case, on the 19th I ended up propped against the edge of the guest sofa in Alan’s study, not able to get to my feet but not willing to slide onto the floor. The ambulance crew ended all questions by taking me to A&E.

At some point during my time in hospital, the food and drink on offer there being completely disgusting, and no diatrician or nutritionist available, I gave up and just drank cold water and orange juice until I was released. Great way to start a diet. I decided I would continue a sensible diet, with a goal of losing 2 lbs a week until I didn’t want to lose any more weight.

36 days later it’s still working, I’m getting stronger, and I’m down 17 kilos.