So I'm moved into my new apt. Even bought a new bed - and very comfy it is. Alan and I have been relaxing, set up some bookcases in the living room and unpacked all the books. Next project will be to move the bed around to the other side of the bedroom to maximize free space. Then when I go back to work, I need to buy some storage units and get all the clothes and stuff stored away neatly.
But it's really lovely having a genuine kitchen again. I made crepes for breakfast a couple of days ago. Also made beef, mushroom, and barley soup - yum! Last night I picked up a duck for Xmas dinner. I wanted a goose but none at the supermarket. I probably will ask the manager if he can get one for me anyway if it's not insanely expensive.
This afternoon we're going out to New Jersey to the Lunarian's Christmas Party. Hopefully a nice day. We went to the Museum of Natural History this week. That's always sort of like going home again. We just looked at the meteorites and the hall of minerals and of course the orgami Christmas tree.
(Note- any of you who are reading this blog- I'm job hunting! Email me for a copy of my resume if there's any work available at your company.)