Thursday, May 20, 2004

It's only 2pm and already my anti-virus program has caught 23 virus attachments in my email today. All Netsky. That's disgusting.

I'm going out to buy a TV today. I had a rather nice 27" (or something like that) TV, but it was stored in my Ex's basement in PA and his insane wife threw it out. Ah well, easy enough to buy a new one. I haven't really missed watching TV the past year or so. In fact, my feelings even now are sort of lukewarm. So lukewarm that I can't be bothered getting anything more than a minimal 13" cheap model.

Regarding my calling my Ex's new wife insane, the woman is genuinely mad. More than mad, she's malicious; not just to me but to him and to the kids. Adam and Andrew have her number and stay clear of her. I have no sympathy for the Ex, he's earned every bit of misery she's caused him. He got precisely what he wanted. He's actually gotten quite strange as he's aged becoming increasingly like his father. He usually means well or thinks he does, but it always comes out wrong.

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