Wednesday, May 12, 2004

I feel like I'm up all night tonight. Tried to sleep earlier. Pah!
Did the usual, tried to relax and read. No dice. Tried phoning Alan, phone rang and rang and then a BT robo-voice answered instead of Alan's usual annoying answerphone message. I know Alan thinks the message on his answerphone sounds professional and sexy. It's not. It's simply annoying. I left a message with the robo-voice anyway just in case it was Alan's and something was wrong with his usual message service. If it was some stranger's, then he or she will either be intrigued and frustrated because I left no call back number or delete it and forget it.

On a different topic entirely, I found a marvelous new website when I was looking for information on heuristics. It's called Zen Haiku: Usability applied to life. I have a link on the left. Check it out.

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