Friday, May 14, 2004

Aside from the usual day to day activities of life which I won't bore anyone with by sharing, I was doing some work for Fed2 yesterday. We're creating a new purpose built front end for Fed2 and I was researching and collecting images for various objects. Not an easy task as many were quite obscure or imaginary:
The boxed set of highly polished Venusian opals.
The holo is an advance copy of a forthcoming Martian Studios
The small casket is sealed with the seal of the United Church of Earth

I did manage to collect the whole set (or what I thought would illustrate them anyway) and send it off to Alan.

I finally set up newsgroups again so I can read messages from old friends like West and Greg. The nice thing about the internet is that it makes it so easy to keep track of old friends and keep in touch. The bad thing about the internet is that it sometimes makes it so difficult, for many and varied reasons, to keep in touch. I'm somewhat uneasy at how much I rely on email to keep in touch rather than just pick up the phone.

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