Friday, September 08, 2006

Nail salons

I was watching the morning show GMTV this morning and they did a special segment on New York City's "nail bars" (they are called nail salons but that's typical of the Brit News, sloppy on the details).

So they reported on the NY "phenomena" of women having frequent manicures and pedicures - often more than once a week. They noted how cheap and convenient the salons were and how strict the NY regulations were with all technicians licensed and strict sanitary requirements. As if this was something extroadinary. Well, yes it is very different from the practice in the UK.

But the choice moment came when the reporter couldn't come up with any juicy NY nail salon related horror story scandal so she trotted out some nonsense about Paula Abdul having a problem with a LA nail salon. Woah! Desperation. That's like a story on London trottting out an incident that occurred in Moscow. You could just see this on the face of the salon manager as this idiot Brit reporter rabbited on.

NY Nail salons and the pampered hands culture of NY are something the Brits just won't get.

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