Saturday, June 18, 2005

It's Saturday evening and I'm still in pain from Wednesday morning's fall. It actually hurts worse at times than when it happened. I can't lay down to sleep or the pain increases monumentally and I'm unable to breathe except very shallowly with great and concious effort. Not a good thing. So I stay up till I'm exhausted and then fall asleep sitting on the sofa with my legs propped up on the hassock. I'm taking a combination of super strength ibuprofin and a muscle relaxant every 6 hours. That basically takes the edge off the pain. You'd think after 4 days the pain would be easing. I'm hoping tomorrow is better.

On the other hand the weather is warm and sunny and beautiful. The herbs are growing well. I've had several really great phone calls with my friend Bo; always so enjoyable and gets me right out of the dumps and smiling again.

I made fricadeller with sauteed onions for lunch today. Haven't made that in years.Last night we were so hot and tired Asti suggested we have a breakfast food supper. So we made french toast topped with sliced bananas in butter, brown sugar, and rum sauce and a sprinkling of cinnamon. Divine!

Today is house cleaning - Asti has been scrubbing down the kitchen and running the washer/dryer. Later when it cooks off a bit, I'll vaccuum all the floors and then wash them. The parquet floors really need a thorough cleaning especially with the cats.

I miss being able to casually call Andrew and Adam on my cell phone whenever I liked. I'm going to have to find one of those cheap pre-paid phone cards like I used to use for the UK. I love you guys and miss you tremendously.

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