Saturday, August 28, 2004

What a pity, the early forcasts called for serious thunderstorms on Sunday afternoon. Now it will just be hot and humid. I was hoping the downpour and lightning would dampen the idiot/protestors who planned to illegally rally in Central Park and destroy the Great Lawn.

Having spent a great deal of my childhood playing on the Great Lawn and most recently helping to raise money to finish its renovation after years of abuse by massive groups, I take this issue rather personally.

Anyway, today I need to go downtown and brave the chaos of the ciminals/anarchist/professional & recreational protestors. I have great respect for the genuine legitimate organizations which plan orderly, civil demonstrations. I belong to several myself and that's why I'm going downtown today. But my goal is not to disrupt innocent people's lives. I'll be part of a mass voter registration drive.

Tomorrow's goal is more crass. Andrew is meeting me to carry home the TV I plan to buy. Yes, I'm going to break down and buy a TV. After 18 months being TV-less, I'm giving in and bringing one into my house again.

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