Sunday, August 22, 2004

Mousetime again

Sometime during the night another mouse was caught. I thought I'd gotten them all before but I suppose this wil be ongoing. The original total was 5 I believe and then I got another 1 last week but nothing since. Foolishly I was thinking of dumping the glue traps. Just as well I didn't.

Andrew is returned from his holiday at Walt Disney World. I loaned him my digital camera and I'll be downloading the photos from it later this afternoon. Other than the camera, Andrew planned and paid for the entire vacation for him and Kate all by himself. He said they had a great time- he'll fill me in on the details today.

I've decided that my Hispanic neighbors on this street come equipped with volume controls with only 3 settings.
1. Very Loud
2. Soundblasting Loud
3. Excruciating Loud

This is not just their radios and CD players, it includes their children. I routinely see families standing in the street chatting, a small child with them screaming at top volume and being completely ignored. Obviously the "being ignored" bit has something to do with this. However, there's definitely a different definition of acceptable noise levels.

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