Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Aiii, Mami!

If you happen to live in or near a hispanic community, as I do; and you are female and tend to wear tight jeans, as I do, you know those words well. It doesn't matter how old you are or how pretty or not, if you walk around with your bum showcased in a tight pair of jeans, you will hear the admiring chorus.

Aiii Mami!

You just have to smile. They're not coming on to you, of course. They're simply expressing their admiration of you and the whole female race. It's a nice part of the hispanic culture here.

What I really like, now that warm weather is here, is how entire large, multi-generational families come out in the evening and sit in the park. Riverside Park is literally just around the corner here and untill the wee hours of night you will see grannies sitting and gossiping and watching the children. Couples strolling, gaggles of teenage girls giggling together, men gathered around a new car. Sometimes, especially on weekends they will play music. Sometimes loudly. But it's melodic, traditional ballads most often, oaccasionally not from a box but from several men clustered together with their guitars and singing energetically. I went out one evening to listen to the music and found couples dancing in the street. A fiesta in NYC.


Tavie said...

You've just described my favourite thing about NYC in the summer-- everyone out, it all feels more community-ish.

I would like a pair of tight jeans. I don't own anything that isn't incredibly baggy, because I have smaller legs and a thicker waist. Nothing fits right.

Barb said...

Levis Store
750 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Phone: 212-826-5957

Call the Levis store and ask if they still offer their custom fit jeans. Alan & I gave Asti a pair for a Xmas pressie some years ago. They take your measurements and in a few weeks you get a custom fitted pair of jeans just your size. it's a bit pricey but it's the ultimate well fitting jeans.