Monday, March 26, 2018

Film Review: A Wrinkle in Time

(Sotto voce in the voice of George Robinson)   The Horror! The Horror!

What have they done to that charming, award winning, childhood fantasy favorite by Madeleine L'Engle? I and my classmates in 1962 read this book, A Wrinkle in Time, at the urging of our math teacher. (This and a story titled, And He Built a Crooked House by Robert Heinlein launched us onto paths of maths and science fiction.)

When I heard Disney was bringing this favorite old children's book to the screen I was hopeful. Then details starting leaking out - they were rewriting the story to make it more relevant, Oprah Winfrey was sponsoring it and starring, they were changing it into a mixed race inspirational tale, they were cutting out complicated bits, they were deleting characters and scenes - critical ones, staging ones.

And so, too they have ruined A Wrinkle In Time.  OMG it's terrible, horrible. What did Madeleine L'Engle ever do to deserve this?

More than a waste, its a crime.

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