Thursday, April 21, 2011

After reading an interesting article in the NY Times about sugar research and a bit of digging about in the associated studies, I decided to give up sugar. Not entirely, that would be too tiresome and fanatic. But in line with what I understood from those studies, to simply stop adding sugar to my coffee which I calculate is the major source of sugar for me. Thank goodness Asti secured a supply of Zucrinet for me. With enough of that my morning coffee is still quite acceptably sweet and tasty.
Since we don't eat much processed or packaged food I think we have very little hidden sugar in our diet. The shift away from processed food was a response to my dislike of the UK formulations - everything was too sweet or too vinegary or had a weird texture.

Coincidently, last week I had some extensive blood tests done so in a month I shall ask my doctor to repeat them and we'll see if there's any change. Again, according to the studies, the response to removing fructose from the diet is surprisingly rapid.

A harmless experiment and an interesting one.

1 comment:

Asti said...

Interesting article. Can I just point out that I've been saying most of that stuff for the best part of 20 years?