Monday, July 21, 2008

Give credit where credit is due - the NHS has a few (miniscule but they are there) things right - the Moorfield Vitroretinal Emergency Clinic is one of them. It's absolutely no-frills, low comfort, no amenities BUT, and here is the diamond, the consultants are brilliant, the nurses are top notch, they actually have reasonably up-to-date equipment, and they class ALL retinal detachments are genuine emergencies which need same day surgery. Bravo them! (I'm bringing them a huge box of chocolates to say thank yoou when I go back next week for my 10 day progress assessment)

My eye is healing slowly but steadily. I've started driving locally. No idea how completely restored vision will be yet.


Greg McElhatton said...

Hurrah on fast service and healing -- the two people I know who've had detatched retinas have all made full recoveries, and one of them was even through the NHS (and up in Glasgow, where most people still crouch in the wind-swept wilderness and eat thistles).

Asti said...

Thistles? Luxury! Why when I worked in Glasgow I booked a self-catering room and discovered I was booked into a waste bin outside of Sainsbury's!

Broklynite said...

Waste bin? You had a waste bin?

Asti said...
