Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I'm disgusted at the recent Big Lie campaign targetting crisps as a vile, disgusting food by showing some girl slobbering down a liter of oil and proclaiming that if you eat a small packet of crisps a day for 1 year you would be ingesting 4.something liters of oil a day.

Well, using that same logic - DON'T EAT THAT SALAD, EAT THE CRISPS!

If you eat a small salad with a minimal amount of salad dressing, daily for 1 year, you would be ingesting 5 and 1/2 liters of oil a day!

So using their insane logic, you are better off giving your child or yourself a packet of crisps rather then a fresh salad. That's playing by their rules.

I hate bullshit like this from supposed do-gooder groups. Come the revolution, those helpful groups should go up against the wall even before the lawyers.

1 comment:

Broklynite said...

What amuses me the most is the organic scare now. Everyone always loves organic food- but look now; spinach with E. Coli, carrot juice with Bautilism, lettuce with the same. Heh. Soon epople wil realise how foolish Organic is,a dnthe world will be mine! NOt that I have anythnign against Organic, I just dislike the inherint snootiness of it.