Sunday, August 27, 2006

Now listen closely and pay attention. This is very important for you to know and understand.

There is no Great Coffee in England.

That's it and that's a tragedy.

I was out walking early this morning after having had my sacred first cup of the day. It was pretty good. It was arabica beans dark roasted to what they call an Italian roast here. As my grandma used to say, "by them it's Italian roast". I had made the coffee from fresh grounds, I just opened the vaccuum sealed bag from Waitrose. But even so, at its prime it just didn't reach New York City best standards.

I need Zabar's coffee. I need their darkest Italian roast beans, oily and fresh and indescribably fragrant. So fragrant that when you brew a pot of coffee, the scent fills the house and lifts your spirts. Next time I am in NYC, I'll not only buy a few bags of it for immediate use, I'll also buy a bunch of their specially vaccuum packed cans of it so it will remain fresh and keep me supplied for an extended period.

It's a real lack here. I have searched and researched and checked out leads from people who swear they found sources of great coffee but nothing comes close to the exquisite coffee sold so cheaply by Zabar's in NYC.

Damn, I need it.

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