Tuesday, September 14, 2004


I updated to Firefox 1.0 (preview release) ie They really, really, really wanted to release 1.0 FINALLY! but....they weren't confident enough to stand behind their work so they hedged their bets and called it "1.0 preview release" so if it's really fucked up or everyone hates it they can claim it's not really the REAL 1.0, it's the preview.

Umm, funny but we used to call that beta and stick with a 9.something release number. When we go to v1.whatever it's because we've drawn the line, taken a deep breath, and presented the item as The Real Thing. Of course we'll issue further releases as we correct bugs, add new features, etc.

So what's with the weasily 1.0 preview release nonsense.

Anyway I downloaded and installed it. Frankly Firefox is crap without the extensions. Loads of potential that's NON-FUNCTIONAL without the extentions tha put all that potential to actual use.
We'll see how it goes. If they don't open up a load of utility extensions real soon I will just go back to SlimBrowser.

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