Friday, May 17, 2019

If it’s not one thing, it’s another

Halfway thru the weekly clean, Rosie our housekeeper announced that the vacuum cleaner had stopped working. No, not a fuse, didn’t blow a circuit, nothing we could reset to work again. It was just dead, Jim. Thoroughly and completely dead. So on top of my dead pc, I now have a dead vacuum cleaner. This one I had to replace immediately, no workarounds, no used handovers from family or friends. I picked out a cheap one that met our requirements, imposed hard discipline on myself - no Dyson! It arrives Monday; if the gods are kind and the benefit I applied for is approved and fast it will all be over painlessly. If not, I’ll just pay it out for a few months.

Meanwhile, the sun is shining and my garden is growing. Life ain’t so bad.

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