OMG! I just -finally- watched Frequency. What a film, fabulous. For years friends have told me to watch it and somehow I just never thought it was my sort of film. What an idiot I was. But at least it was a perfect choice for a quiet Sunday night. If you haven't seen it, you should. Really excellent.
IMDB review:
I've been watching a lot of films this summer since with the 2 eye surgeries my ability to read print has been severely limited. I'll be fine once it's all healed but in the interim, reading is not fun-damental. I save my eye strength for work where I must read or die- no choice if I want to keep my job. Although on that front, I have had 2 successful job interviews for a very exciting new position that I want very badly. I'll probably know on Tuesday if they are going to make a job offer. The suspense is killing me. This is a permanant job, not a contract. It's a significant upward step for my career and it's simply the most exciting opportunity. Per their HR dept both interviews produced very good impressions. They interviewed 4 people including me on the first round and then only me on the 2nd. I will be very stunned if I don't get the job. HR said the reason for the decision delay was that the woman who would do the HR paperwork for the hiring was on vacation through Monday and back Tuesday and my agent would get their decision then. Oh man, oh man, as they say, I can almost taste it.
Fingers crossed for this one, boys and girls.