Sunday, May 01, 2005

I returned to Basel on Friday from 10 days in the UK. Asti and I flew over from Mulhouse airport to London City Airport. Then a mad 100 mile journey accross London from the extreme east to the west in a massive arc to avoid the 5 quid congestion charge. Arriving at Alan's we drank his coffee, gobbled up some really nice cheese salads, and off we went to Oxford for the ACCU spring 2005 conference. Both Alan and I did presentations and they went very well. Asti and I were also on a panel on Women in Computing. It was really an excellent discussion, too bad they scheduled us directly opposite Bjarne Stroustrup's keynote talk. Despite that, those who did attend enjoyed the session. A highly successful conference on all fronts including networking and deal-making.

We also discovered a really great and really cheap noodle house just around the corner from the Randolph Hotel. Yay!! The Singapore noodles were the best I've ever had!

I didn't walk around Oxford very much aside from a few short strolls with Alan to look at the Colleges and drop in at Blackwell's. The weather was cold and drizzling. Lucky us had a suite at the Randolph Hotel tho - courtesy the lovely ACCU organizers.

Anyway, we drove back to London on Sunday morning. Asti was off then to Surrey and returned to Basel on Tuesday. I stayed on in London with Alan till Friday. Besides a IBgames business meeting on Tuesday, we just wanted a few more days together.

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