Friday, September 03, 2004

I couldn't get to the gym today. Not that I didn't try. I walked all the way there, a pleasant brisk walk in this cooler weather. When I arrived at the nearest corner I was blocked by police lines. The street was filled with - wait for it- The Media. Former president Clinton had checked into the hospital and the media was hovering outside desperate for a photo op or a chance to rush someone, anyone with "face" or "name" to comment.

So I was turned back. Bad Barb - no ID to prove to the secret service who I was. All I had on me was a house key and cell phone. The local NYC cops would have let me thru but the secret service dork insisted that ANYONE could be a terrorist.

Uh huh, yeah, right.
Hmm perhaps they will blame the disaster in Russia on me, next.

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