Sunday, May 09, 2004

I just viewed a selection of photos of the Abu Ghraib prison tortures. I'm so revolted, so sickened. This is inexcusable. Period. There's no explanation, no excuse that will wash this away. Yes, I believe that the MPs/reservists/grunts who did the actual dirty work were ordered to do so. However, I also believe they were not told specifically what to do; they used their own sick creativity to drive their actions. They are no different than the concentration camp guards and NAZI MPs who were also acting "under orders". That several ethical and decent military personnel refused those orders, reported them to their superior officers with formal protests, and were BACKED UP ON ON THEIR REFUSALS! by said superior officers gives the lie to any excuses floated. Yes the DIA, CIA and civilian contractors must be held responsible for their illigal acts and orders but the rank and file who cooperated must also feel the full weight of justice. Looking at those grinning and gleeful faces tells it all. These people have placed themselves beyond the pale. All those good ole boys and good ole gals enjoyed their sadistic and indecent activity and proudly photographed it all - much like the Nazis proudly documented their accomplishments.

I'm completely sickended by the entire situation. I blame Rumsfeld, I blame Bush, I blame the entire pantheon on NeoCons and I blame each and every person who participated instead of refusing and protesting.

As an American Citizen I'm ashamed of them all.

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